My father lost me to The Beast at cards.
I accidentally woke Kaci up today. She told me she had a dream, and she was giving me a disposable camera.
"Why a disposable camera?"
"I've been thinking about it for awhile, there's one in the basket, I'll get it out."
"Okay" I said, "I'm going to go take a shower." She was asleep when I returned.
Kaci, this is why living with you will never get old.
Jay White told me today he transferred out of Mechanical Engineering two days ago. Quitter. He was the only person from high school I saw on a regular basis. I now have no ties left to LJ. It's weird to think that no matter how much of a world you built for yourself in high school, it's gone when you graduate. It's like dying or moving to a different state. Everything you knew vanishes, crumbles and reorientation itself into something new. Not like I pretend I know what happens after you die or anything. I just like to walk through parks in the Fall and I've noticed things tend to die.
Okay, so, somewhat funny story about Jay. Our teacher, Moore the Bore, tried to learn the first row's name one day. Jay's in the equal opportunities for minorities fig, so after Moore asked all the minority kids, who all have names like Frank, Ernest, Sarah, and Jessica, Jay decides to tell him his name's Juan. Moore believed him and calls on him in class. Juan, I would almost say I'll miss you and your sparkling personality, but I think Halley would beat me up. So I don't.