Yep, It's Another Blog

Sleeping On The Corner of Lost and Confused.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

My only fear is my lack of sincerity (and my spelling.)

Oh wow, last weekend was so busy. First I skipped Friday because I was going to a kung fu camp and we left Thursday after school. Mom and Dad drove us up to a pine-needle wooded church camp which they had rented out with lots of swampy water. It was a blast. Besides learning all the basic fighting and disarmament forms, Meridith and I took bellie-dancing and foot massage, weird things to find at a kung fu camp. Also, I won best in class at the art fair hosted at the school. Rachel, your elephant is awesome.

So next weekend is the last weekend of the international festival. This year they're featuring on India. I'm trying to get a group together if everyone isn't too busy studying for the AP exams (gasp, they're next week.) So talk to me if you're interested.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Retirement Plan

So as more and more babyboomers get jipped on retirement plans, my dad and I have substituted a full-proff box office hit movie enduced solution: buy and old house trailer, 50 acs of land, a shotgun and a bathtub. that way he says, he can go in style. We agree it'll look something like this. Posted by Hello

Found on a google image search for ron wesley.

My Kind of Poetry

Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The time at the tone will be 12:06

The time and date lie. They are liars. But at this moment, I discovered how to edit (vaguely) a template. Hoop-rah! Now if i could only figure out font color....


I know I haven't blogged in a long time and I'm sorry. If you want a reason, basically you can choose whatever thing you want. I got hit by a hurricane, I lost a limb, I was just too lazy to open up a window and write, whatever. I guess if I had to come up with a reason describing why i was too occupied to write about life here, besides attempting a new blog. I've just had a lot of emotional questioning along with mountains of homework and sick people who assign projects on district sports days. It's no real biggy, I needed time away from it all, just be out to lunch. :/ Thanks to everyone for caring enough to check my blog out and see what was up. Sorry again that I haven't posted, and the 'I'm too busy' sceme is getting to be a universal excuse. It's senior year, things are supposed to be laid back, right? But i am trying to make a new blog. Something different from what I have, which is getting old and does look a heck of a lot like Julie's. So stay tooned, because I will EVENTUALLY finish and create a new blog, one where hopefully you won't have to write, "blog now woman" in the 99 entry flobble box.