Yep, It's Another Blog

Sleeping On The Corner of Lost and Confused.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Found it

Well, I was the unlucky one who got to look in the bathroom today for the missing crab. She had mysteriously reappeared back in her bowl, still butt naked. We gave up on her and put her back in her cage, hoping something would happen. When I checked on her after lunch, she had died. But I really didn't feel like buring her right then, so i figured i'd comeback to it and went shopping. She lived a good life, though short. Her tragic love story has finally ended. May Sasha and Indi rest in peace.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Hermit Crabs

Sasha, my hermit crab, is missing. This is bad enough, but she's also gravely ill, and wondering around, lost in my bathroom, butt naked. Nope, things could not get much worse for the crab, and Meridith and I have vowed not to go into the bathroom until either a. it starts to smell, or b. Shasha shows back up on the counter top. Neither of us really wants to be the one to find her, she looks pretty bad as it is. Why is she lost in my bathroom without a shell? Well, you see, Sasha hasn't looked all that good since her friend, Indiana Jones, lost his large claw when he shed in the fall and died soon afterward. I don't think I'm that good at raising Hermit Crabs, we've already had three die successfully in the past 6 months.

Sasha and Indiana Jones (Indi) were a classic, tragic love story. Hermit Crabs cannot mate in captivity, but this didn't discurage their love. The day my sister brought home and named Sasha, Indi went through a whole personallity change. She walked right up to him and climbed affectionaltly on top of him. The once quite, secluted, but brave explorer, now gave up his high climbing adventures (I'd often have to rescure him from dangling a foot above the ground in his tank hanging by one claw) to stay next to Sasha. They went everywhere together. None of my other crabs were as social as these too. If Sasha would wonder off to get some food after a nap, Indi would wake up, freak out and go find her. As touching this was, it didn't last. One day Indi shed his skin. Now hermit crabs shed their about once every 18 months, and it had been a little more than a year since I had bought him, so I had been expecting this. Unfortunatly, my sis wasn't. She thought he had died, and preformed the ceremonial ducktaped checkbook cofin, and gave it to Dad to bury him. I had just got home when Meridith had told me what happened. I cought Dad in the nick of time before he burried the poor, sheding, crab. But alas, my efforts came too late. Indi lost his large claw, which he uses to eat, protect himself, and climb.

Indi fell into depression. Like an old mad, he slept in a corner, hardly moving all day. And he shoved Sasha out of his life. Indi spent a whole afternoon running away from Sasha, who just didn't understand. Alas, their love was over. Indi couldn't last until his next sheding without his large claw, he withered away and died, without ever making up to Sasha, who decided to reside on the highest branch in the tank, as far away from Indi as possible.

Sasha shed her skin only a month after Indi's death. Meridith waited and worried, hoping she wouldn't be another 'Indi.' Luckily, she was just fine. But only a month later she shed her skin again. Hermit crabs aren't supposed to do that. I was worried.

Due to my lack of Crab-care skills, Sasha was now the last crab left in the tank. The day after her shed, she did one of the worse things a crab can do; she left her shell. Yep, I woke up and found her butt naked in the same corner Indi died in. Well, Meridith freaked out and checked an online help site and the news was not good. Sometimes, crabs just do strange things like this for no reason. They just get depressed or something and try to end it all. But Meridith and I tried an emergency procedure. This involved one of Mom's glass bowls, a mesuring cup, 2 shells, and a clean counter top. The idea was to get the crab back into it's shell, because they don't last long without it. Well, we preformed the procedure (Meridith and I had to flip a coin to decide who whould do it) and left the crab in the glass bowl with 2 shells in the bathroom.

When we returned two hours later, the bowl was still there, and so was the shells, but no crab. Personally, I suspect Marie, my dog, found a tasty treat while doing her daily investigation of the bathroom. We have kept the door closed, just incase this halfdead crab excapes, but I'm not expecting anything but a stench in a couple of days

Monday, December 20, 2004

Dad's birthday

Today is Dad's birthday. He's getting a lot of clothes. He has got to be the hardest person on earth to buy for. We went to this freakishly huge fry's electronics yesterday in Clear Lake, and spent about four hours in there. They had everything from office ware, to build your own computer to vacum cleaners, but he still couldn't find anything he wanted. The guy likes to build computers for christ sake!
But besides that, there really isn't much to write about. I'm still sick. I went to the doctor. I got more medician. I now have a perscription for about every allergy pill on the planet. Thinking about becoming a drug dealer... Call me if you want me to hook you up.

Friday, December 17, 2004


Yep. It's Kat's long awaited blog. I was tired of everyone blogging but me. Well, i've jumped on the bandwagon. Hope you enjoy. It sucks now, but I'll be asking Julie for pointers.

Yep, it's another blog

Ok, this is my first attempt at blogging. I really have no life, but what little life I have I flaunt it here.

Today's/Yesterday's events:
Ok, so to bring people up to date on things:
(Condenced version; just read the first sentance.)
(For the whole Katherine experience; read the rest.)

1. Yesterday, instead of taking my first period exam, i went to the library.
where I spent about an hour unsuccessfully runing from mrs. Brown's 9th grade campus class room back to the library in an attempt to start on my Video Tech exam. Well, I eventually gave up sat down at a table, and with nothing better to do, studied. After I was done with that shit, I was really bored, but didn't feel like going home (I kn0w, I'm insane). Well, after about a minute of rumaging around, Zack Christman walks in.

2. Zack comes over to say high, and to ask (yet again) if i did my government homework. Well, i did, and no, i hadn't turned it in yet, and yes, i'm a nice person, so i let him copy (mooch).

3. Of course, when I'm with Zack, neither of us ever get anything done. We just end up talking, and in this case, other people show up (chris fromtennis, Suzanne McNeil, Daneil Somethingshesfromenglish(whatthe? i don't even know her,but she was there), Some sophmore with poofy hair, and even Callan Edquist came along.) and yes, it happened like that, wham; people. So I didn't do any studing, and he didn't copy jack squat.

4. Zack askes me if he can borrow my paper, promising that after the exam we can go turn it in to Mr. Weisse-not that creepy, but hit on me a couple times and kept checking out lynsey's butt (poor lynsey). I was very happy, I really didn't want to go alone to turn in anything to Mr. Weisse.

5. After the exam, I waited like an idoit for Zack at the drama room, but nobody knew where he was (he took off, supposed to be back a quarter to one). Well, I stood around, was recruted by several drama people to both help out with Makbeth, and join drama (why do I get the feeling that they need people?). I finally settled with finding washers to stick on the ghosts drape.

6. I gave up on Zack, took off to see my sister's play across the street, and left my wallet with my drivers licence and all that crap in the sound box above the stage. Yep, my sister is in drama. So was my dad, which is why he and Zack's mom are friends, along with some of the wierdier half of the old hard core part of Lake Jackson. And so was his dad before him, and thus, like some sick legacy, the youngest offspring is always an actor in the family. But Britney was pissed. Not only was her one and only audiance leaving (they were doing a dress rehearsle of Makbeth) but Zack hadn't shown up yet, and I found it really is hard to do Makbeth without Makbeth. When I was heading out the back door, Mr. White wanted to have it stated that for the record, Zack was a half hour late and in deep shit.

7. Got lost on the way to Ogg. (boy, that was hard, huh, it's right behind the tennis courts) But after weaving around neiborhoods for about five minutes, finally arrived at the long lost (at least to me) hidden Ogg ele. This place is covered in paintings of doopy looking little girls in 50s checkered dresses, scotties, and the rest of the cast from a ripped of version of the wizard of oz. The motto here is 'welcome to the land of Ogg' (what kinda motto is that? Thats not even a statement, it's a greating, sick basterds.)

8. Finally sat down amist a bunch of 3rd graders, and watched my little sister play 'the ghost of yet to come' in "A Christmas Carol." And you know what, she did a good job. I think it went quite well, but she'd tell you it was a complete and utter failor, the worse thing that she's ever seen.

9. Now, back to the events. I finally got around to calling Zack around 4:30. AND...he was asleep. Needless to say, he had forgotten to turn in my paper (:@) Yeah, I was pissed. I worked hard on that. So I went and painted. For about three hours. It was good. Art can be like extacy. Once you start, it's hard to stop.

10. Today. To sum up this already too long blog, I went to Makbeth, didn't even realize my wallet was missing until I got home, mom yelled at me for not ever finding out if Zack turned in my paper. Went back to pick up this box I left in the debate room. Phillip runs up and tells me it's ok, they found my wallet. I'm like, wallet? So I get my wallet, get the box, don't find out about the paper, and now go home. Only took me about 4 trips to the drama room in two days to acomplish all this...Blaah....
Makbeth went pretty well. Congrads to all the cast and the techies and the behind the scenes crew and Julie (I love you!). I still like how Makbeth got his sword in the end fight. That really was thinking on your feet.