Today I discovered a flower bush that smelled like the FIJI fratt house on a Saturday night. That's right, beer. Cheap beer. For the whole semester I thought every time I passed the parking garage that we had some incredible alcoholic dumping his beer into the grass daily. Boy was I wrong.
Oh, and within 3 hours on Monday Kaci got a fever of over 103 which didn't break despite all our efforts (the hall played 'mom') so we had to take her to the ER. It was really odd. Kara forced her to go, pretty much dragged her out of bed. There wasn't room for me in the car, so I stayed her, went to bed, and woke up to find out she was back in bed. Oh~kay. Turns out she had a viral internal infection and was dehydrated. There's no medicine to treat that, so they gave her some pills to ease the pain and bring down the fever. They gave her seven shots, two I.V.s and a spinal tap. Poor thing's getting her wisdom teeth out next week too. She's going back to class tomorrow.
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