Yep, It's Another Blog

Sleeping On The Corner of Lost and Confused.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Wow, this is sad, three months without anything exciting enough to write about. Well, that's not entirely true. I guess a better excuse would be the old standby "I was too busy" but we know that that's a lie. If I had cared enough or though about something cool enough, I would have posted. Bah. Sorry about the lack of Zelda to all you fans out there and anyone who has ever stumbled upon this weird backwater blog. I took summer school (9 f'in hours in one six weeks. I only had time to sleep and eat twice a day. I had ten minutes for each meal which I piled an impressive amount of food off of a buffet and then stuffed it in my mouth in such a way that would make Sonya Thomas proud. (bet you had to google that, didn't you?) Then I had surgery. Then a terrible cold. Then I went on a vacation with my folks and I didn't have access to a computer. I mainly read. It was beautiful after taking summer school. But I'm back. Most of you have probably already seen the bloopers reel from Zelda 1-4. That was fun, but I also need to get up the less popular Inadequate Superheroes one up. That's actually funnier than Zelda's bloopers oddly enough. Life's weird like that.

My Grandmother's dieing so I flew home this weekend to see her one last time. I ran into a retired teacher traveling to a scrabble competition in houston and my flight home was delayed the entire afternoon. Stupid weather.

Someday I'm going to make and upload a Zelda fan site for all of our parody stuff. Someday. Don't count on it anytime in the next month though. Hope everyone's having a good life.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Uggg. I feel like I've been dead for a year.

Wow this blog should be dead. I guess I've been neglecting my blog duties for quite awhile now. Meh. I'm getting busy. Well part 4&5 are out and I'm going to need to do some more filming for 6. I think I can do the next part without too much filming, but talley and I still need to block it out. I'm just trying to hold out until we get to Jubba Jubba. It's another powerful 'what the heck?' part like part 3. We jumped to a new level of insanity during that time. I blame the Tejas heat, but who knows what else was going on. Maybe the chemical plant leaked or boredom finally corroded our senses. Anyway, it's fun, and I'm hoping people will enjoy it. While I'm still taking summer school though, I'm working on editing the new long version of Inadequately Named Superheroes. It's an odd little side project we started back during spring break and continued once announced its contest. I brought back Bradgertta Skullsmasher from a short we did in December that never got published. She was just too good to let go. Once I noticed her character festering in the back of my brain, I altered her a bit and was like why not? Meridith's (Link) new character came from too much caffeine and a marathon of ghost hunters. Talley's..... I don't know anymore. It was just random. hmm. I guess that's it for now, and here's a little random thing for kicks:

hehehehe :3

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

There's rust on these studs. At least I've had my shots.

My ear and I have an infection; specifically in my piercing. I stuck some cheap gothic studs in it for now until I can find something that’s stainless steal. Don’t worry, I washed the stud in the sink, but I’m definitely getting some disinfectant or antibiotic cream tomorrow to rub on it. I waited too darn long to get my first piercings to let them close up now. Sorry about the radio silence folks. There were too many people reading this thing back in December but now I think that everyone’s probably abandoned this blog again. Also, if anyone else hasn’t noticed, Blogspot was sucked down into the corporate shambles of the great monopolist Google. I don’t like converting my account, no matter how ‘efficient’ it may be. My account was just fine before it got a new owner. I don’t see the point in changing just so some web-Walmart can keep track of my searching styles. But in reality, I just haven’t had time to update until ironically, spring break. It’s been fun so far, I spent a good three hours today just drawing with charcoal. I still need to edit the next Zelda Parody part tomorrow before we (family) take off for the rest of the week to go on vacation right where I’m going to college. The highlight of this trip for me is going to be going hiking and seeing lots of rocks. Yes, the truth comes out; I’m a nature nut. Harrah. Well, you’d probably be too if you knew the majority of the rest of the trip will probably consist of me picking on my little sister in the backseat of a full-size vehicle (who says you can’t be 20 and still be a kid?) and shopping. Oh yeah sure, we’ll walk around places and see sites, but that’s about it. ‘Link’, my sister, and I will have a contest on who can find the weirdest thing in an antique store. We shall see who comes out victorious. Peace out yo.

Monday, December 11, 2006

I am personified ADD.

Alright, and I'm back. Miss me? Maybe? Good enough. It's exam time kids, and I can't study. You'd think after doing this 3 semesters I'd be better prepared but it seems that the extra long summer totally killed any college study abilities I accumulated last year. It looks like this semester I won't be making a 4.o, which I am kind of down about. Well, on to stuff you care about. 2 weeks and 695 views later, the Zelda film is rocking on Youtube. Thanks to all you guys that watched it and reviewed it. I really appreciate it. If you haven't yet, scroll down and check it out. I'm in another rtf film again, if we can film before break. I'm really thinking I'm not going to have time with exams right here in my face. I haven't even looked at the script but I trust the director enough to assume it's not porn. Watch him prove me wrong. Eww...

Friday, November 24, 2006

What? What's this?

Happy Thanksgiving dear readers. This past weekend I got paid for the first time for my acting in a student film for a class. What was I paid? A tube of toothpaste and two sticks of jerky. I feel like a true actor now. Or college student. Either way.

We didn't win Bloodshots. We had fun doing it though and we were probably the youngest and most inexperienced team there. I'd say we placed in the top 5-10 though. My favorite was Backwoods Bob. We're going to try again next year, and if you want to be in it, tell me. We're going to split up into two groups if we have to.

Oh News! My laptop is dead, kuput, gone. My hard drive is scrap. I'm going to go and pray to the tech gods at ut monday and see if they can do anything. So if I'm not on msn for the next couple days, that's why.

Finally! ZELDA is up! The first part is here! Rachel, you're in it! Trevor, not yet! Critique, tell your friends, have fun! Go for it!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

My lecture classroom is a sea of facial hair.

I'm supposed to be doing something today, but I can't for the life of me remember what it is. If you know, leave a comment. You can tell it's that time of the year again when everyone stops shaving and bathing. Finals. They're right around the corner and we all realize that our grades stink, so we're fighting to get them up. This spells late nights and lots of coffee. One thing I like about engineering is the lack of competitive streak. In high school we were all fighting each other for rank, but in college we're fighting the professor and TA for the grade. Everyone bands together more too. Like in math class. If you looked up non sequitur in the dictionary, this guy's photo would be next to it. Nothing in his teaching style makes any sense. He spent 40 minutes once teaching every mathematical concept with a monkey trying to feed her children bananas, and when he reached the point, he just trailed off in mid sentence, and we never found out how imaginary numbers are useful in any walk of life. Or even why they exist. The monkey just needed numbers, so she invented some imaginary ones. Lost? Confused? Bewildered? That's how we, the students in a upper division applied mathematics course, feel everyday. Even the TA has this sense to him that in the beginning he knew what was going on, but somewhere the prof just highjacked the course and went A-Wall.

Quote of the week:
"You know, I came back to college so I could 'learn how to build things', not get my ass handed to me by an Alpine Santa (our math prof). But you know what, that's what ended up happening. Stupid me. What was I thinking?"
-Gradate student.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Physics Homework Problem

A child (approximately 4 years old) takes
her metal "Slinky Toy"
and does various tests to determine
that the Slinky has an inductance 125 H
when it has been stretched to a length of 3 m.
The permeability of free space is 4pi
10x e-7, N=A2.
If a slinky has a radius of 4 cm, what is the
total number of turns in the Slinky?

Now that's a mest up kid.