Yep, It's Another Blog

Sleeping On The Corner of Lost and Confused.

Monday, December 11, 2006

I am personified ADD.

Alright, and I'm back. Miss me? Maybe? Good enough. It's exam time kids, and I can't study. You'd think after doing this 3 semesters I'd be better prepared but it seems that the extra long summer totally killed any college study abilities I accumulated last year. It looks like this semester I won't be making a 4.o, which I am kind of down about. Well, on to stuff you care about. 2 weeks and 695 views later, the Zelda film is rocking on Youtube. Thanks to all you guys that watched it and reviewed it. I really appreciate it. If you haven't yet, scroll down and check it out. I'm in another rtf film again, if we can film before break. I'm really thinking I'm not going to have time with exams right here in my face. I haven't even looked at the script but I trust the director enough to assume it's not porn. Watch him prove me wrong. Eww...