That's the way smackdown's done.
Andy told me he loved me yesterday, then did a smackdown move on my neck. 3 year olds are really cute. I must have spent ten minutes getting him to let go of my jeans. Yesterday was the last day I worked in the nursery and I have to say I'm going to miss the kids. I'm going through a little crisis today. I logged on the utexas website to finish making my class schedual to find that I was unenrolled for the semester. Say what? I know I checked the site a week ago to make sure I had taken care of all my bills. If i had no pending transactions or anything on 'what I owe,' how could they drop my classes? I'm calling the university at 1 to see what can be done. Yes, I am freaking out, thank you very much. Classes start the 30th so I still have time. I hope.