Well, if you don't know, Mom broke her leg, Dad threw out his back, and has something like the flu, and Grandma is in the hospital (still, but her fever's gone down, so she'll be getting out soon) leaving Meridith and I to run the house. Scary. Today's task on real life adventures, grocery shopping. Entertaining with my little sister, but the real fun was after we found all of Mom's odd whimsical items that Meridith had written in codes like pack for peach tea and SCC for something else strange. When I was driving out of the parking lot, I saw Robert (bobert) pulling out of blockbuster. Mer and I needed some fun, so we pulled out of the parking lot onto 288 south and then crossed 4 lanes of traffic and lost him when he did a U-turn and we turned left down circle way. Damn, now what? I hoped to cut him off at the intersection on oyster creek drive, but I then realized I was on circle way, and traveled in a big circle and finally turned out onto a street that met with O.C. drive and waited to turn left at the stoplight.
Meridith, who thought all of this was hilarious, turned to me and said " Wouldn't it be funny if-"
"BOBERT!!!" I screamed and pointed down Oyster Creek where Robert was speeding down like a demon and past the intersection. "You're not getting away that easily." So I fishtailed out onto O.C. drive and pulled out into his lane. I followed but he got some stupid idea that someone was following him. He turned onto Yaupon and sped up to 50 and weaved in and out of the lanes, but I kept on him. Finally, he parked in front of his house. We weaved back and forth three times and freaked him out, slowing down each time we past his car, but he couldn't see through the tinted windows. Then we laughed about it and went home. No, I'm not a bad role model.