Panic! At the Disco!
Scandal! At the Physics Department!
This is the beginning of a series of posts about yesterday. I've tried to write them in crono order for all of you who want a sense of time or whatnot.
Proff Drummond, however, is a theorist, and doesn't believe in time, so she accidentally scrolled up instead of down, because no one understands Proff Moore's homework system (Moore is an experimentalist), and so Drummond accidentally posted the answers to the Exam yesterday on the web, four hours before 2000 people took it (every physics one class has the same test). 32 people downloaded those answers. Proff Turner printed those answers, thinking they were test copies, and gave them to kids with time conflictions who were taking the exam early. Turner went to the closest pub when he found out what happened. Drummond wanted to ignore the whole matter (she is a theorist) and Moore was, as always, confused and scratched his head a lot. Meanwhile, an hour before the test, someone came in yelling that the answers were online. Pandemonium. Everyone was calling everyone and copying down answers and wondering what was going on (no one explained to the new arrivals). There was yelling, throwing of papers, conspiracies; everything. The next day Moore, the ringleader of the physics department, veto'd Drummond, found Turner and dropped the exam. Out of the 32 students that took the test, 19 scored A's, 10 scored C's, and 3 failed.
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